Monday, February 19, 2018

PNB FRUAD – an eye opener

PNB FRUAD – an eye opener

What is banking?

Banking is dealing with public money by accepting deposits from the public and lending to them to earn profit out of the transactions.  Till 1985, Indian banking had a strong system and procedure and whatever work you do there is clear systems and procedures which includes the accounting procedure and reporting also.  When the banking system starts computerizing their operations starting from 1985, it is presumed that the computers will not do any mistakes and whatever reports generated by the computers were accepted as it is, without any verification process. We used say in a lighter vain that if you generate a resignation letter through the computer, it will be signed by the manager without any hesitation.

The department of technology in the banking sector does not coordinate with the operation department and User Acceptance Test is also done by a group based on the operating instruction but they do not have much exposure to the operation.

Now the bank in order to increase the profitability by selling insurance, credit cards etc under the name cross selling and to increase the cross selling activity, incentives are given to all the people starting from the marketing team at the branch to the top Management  of the bank. Therefore, the top Management is only interested in the incentives instead of their core banking activity. The core banking activity has been pushed to back seat at the bank as the top Management  drive the entire unit towards the cross selling activity.

Till 1990, the banking is traditional but thanks to globalization, the banking has transformed into global business with many complicated products and cross border transactions. The products “buyers credit”, “Suppliers Credit”, options, swaps etc., are predominant and availed by the borrowers in order to reduce the cost of borrowings. Due to globalization process, Indian customer has access to the international Market for their borrowing to reduce the cost of borrowings. But the bank has not implemented the risk management and compliance process as per international standard although they have some position as Risk manager and banking operation department to take of compliance. These people will be working directly under the operation department hence their  reports are not effective.

The top Management  also of the opinion that the department compiling the returns, system and procedures, control frauds, risk management departments etc are useless and the people working therein are also will not receive any recognition for their good work. Therefore, people who wants go up in the cadre will not incline to work in these departments.

Now come to the fraud of PNB:

Mr. Nirav Modi wanted to import pearls and diamonds, design exquisite world-class jewellery and sell them. He needed money to buy the pearls and diamonds. He did not want to opt for a rupee loan, and rightly so as it is expensive and there is foreign currency risk. He wanted foreign currency loan. That’s cheap and he had a natural hedge against currency fluctuations as he was earning in foreign currency by exporting jewellery.

As the loans is foreign currency loan arranged through the bank abroad, and there will not be any entry in their accounting system except the contingent liability by way of guarantee/ comfort letter. But in the PNB case there is no loan account created in the books of the bank including contingent liability and letter of comforts were issued through MT799 through swift to the foreign bank for release of loan. RBI instruction in this regard is clear that buyers’ credit can be arranged through a bank abroad by issuing letter of comfort for the import of goods (raw materials) or capital goods. The Buyers credit period should not exceed the working capital cycle.  

For any guarantee without any collateral, it is normal on the part of the bank to ask for 100/110 % margins (to cover foreign exchange fluctuation but PNB is liberal enough to do letter of comfort (LOC) without any margin. When the devolvement of the LOCs takes placed the bank wake up to a USD 1.77 billion fraud that shook the Indian banking system. They had continued the entire operations by opening one LOC to meet the liability on account of previous LOC which is nothing but kite flying.

The violations done by PNB

No loan appraisal has taken place and limit of letter of credit or letter of comfort has been sanctioned. The MT799 has been issued without any back up collateral as paper without understanding the implication or otherwise.

There is huge money flowing through the bank both inward and outward and as normal practice it should be reported to the controllers at least as forex sales and purchase figures.

 The controller might not have time to check these reports and arrive at a logical conclusion of the business. On the other hand there is no risk management system prevailing at the Apex office / forex managing branch to check the matching transaction of inflow and outflow on regular basis.

The audit conducted by the Head office fails to track these transactions as normally the person who does audit normally do not have an idea about foreign exchange / trade related transactions.

Buyers credit operations:

Most of the bank resort to the buyers’ credit through a bank abroad to meet the import payments. The normal practice is to open a letter of credit on usance term for import of Raw materials and on receipt of the goods under the LC, the value of bill is paid by arranging through buyers credit.  It is nothing but converting a non fund based facility into a fund based facility although it is contingent liability to the bank by way LOU. But this may leads to double finance as the imported materials might have been added to the stock pledged to the bank and availed cash credit against the same. The banks do not have a proper SOP (standard Operating Procedure) for the buyers’ credit as it will not reflect into their Books/CBS.

Although most of the bank claims that there is integration of CBS and swift and the swift message is generated from the system automatically from CBS, it is not fool proof as the verification/ authorization should be done in Swift. There is a possibility of generating swift directly also without any involvement of CBS.

What are the learning points?

  1. Normally, the top management escapes out of such large frauds blaming of the people at the bottom which is not true. The fraud to the tune of Rs.11000 crores cannot be committed without the knowledge of the top management. Their failure for not managing the bank in a proper way by creating proper SOPs and strengthening the report system, audit system, risk management system etc, if at all they are really unaware of it which is a very remote possibility.
  2. The Technology is incomplete and do not have checks and balances required to be there because it is being rolled out at the urgency of the top management without giving adequate time for testing the roll outs. The Computerization is not done 100 % due to lack of coordination between IT and Operation department of the bank.  Working knowledge is required for computerizing the operations which will not be available. The management / technology department do not take any feedback from the operations on the technology introduced in operation.
  3. Most of the time as the management never invests in developing the work force as they themselves do not have faith in the training system. Specialization of work is not supported by the Management.
  4. The due importance is not given by the management for support departments such as Risk Management, Audit, Vigilance, Training etc. and it is normal the management see them as not contributing to the bank as their contribution is invisible. I have personally come across top management blaming opening these departments that they have wasting their time and do not contribute to the bank’s growth.
  5. Top management is selected based on the political influence not based on their ability leads,  deteriorate the management function of the of the Banks.
  6. Importance to cross selling at the cost of the core business by the management for personal interest of earning incentive.
  7. RBI also failed in their role as supervisor of the banking system, has never evaluated the technology upgrade and new product Standard Operating Procedures, and also audit of the Banks. Further, till now RBI has not insisted that Risk Management and compliance function should be reported to a different vertical and to RBI directly not to the Chairman of the bank.
  8. The management has withdrawn the concurrent auditor position at a medium and a large branch is a unwise action and shows their ignorant to the internal Audit function.
  9. Last but not the least, in the previous generation, the employees are wedded to the bank and work for the bank till they retire from service. The will be more committed to work because their stake of PF, pension is in the bank. Now, the generation switch between banks at least once in 3 to 5 years and hence it will difficult for the bank to understand the attitude and values of their employees.


It is high time the bank should centralize the process of loans, international Banking, liability products and marketing activities from the branch and treat the branches as only a delivery points. Two / three stages of verification of important process such as loan sourcing, appraisal , sanction, administration, processing international banking activities, KYC process etc to protect the interest of the bank. More training to be organized to enrich the knowledge of the work force and also to inculcate the Risk management at each stage of transaction. Enhance the supervision of Reserve Bank of India to protect the public money and also financial sector stability of the country

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